Risk Assessment

Identifying and knowing the location, scope and impact of a specific risk is half the security battle won, hence the growing importance of risk assessment and risk management programs both voluntary assessments and those mandated by regulatory requirements like HIPAA or SOX compliance.

Risk assessment is a process designed to formally identify the information resources that require protection and to then analyze and document potential risks from IT related threats that may cause unacceptable (negative) business impact in terms of the loss of information confidentiality, integrity, or availability. The purpose of risk assessment is to enable management create appropriate mitigation strategies and controls for stewardship of information assets.

There are a wide variety of commonly used risk assessment methodologies including NIST, and ISO-27002. While “quantitative” risk assessments are alluring - the challenges to establishing probabilities and calculating impact costs across multiple criteria drive us to favor “qualitative’ risk assessment.

Critical to good risk assessment practice is tightly defining the scope and context of the risk assessment. We favor defining the scope formally in a Security Data Flow Diagram (SDFD) and then conducting the risk assessment against the SDFD leveraging a process/info based risk approach at each point in the SDFD. This approach shortens the time to conduct the risk assessment by more tightly focusing the risk assessment sessions and also significantly decreases the possibility of a key risk being missed.

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